Spindleworks Presents
SUn Universe
(or, The Sun God Ra)

Sun Universe, a new devised play, takes inspiration from sun gods across cultures and explores how our associations with the sun's power shift and transform based on how we personify it. We also honor the sun's presence in our daily lives though sun salutations and things like putting on sunscreen. After songs, movement, bats, stories, the entrances and exits of gods, a mystery with the angel of death, and an improvised standup set, the play culminates in a blinding appearance by the sun itself.

Created by The Company

Justin Boisvert
Abigail Ranger
Tara Cram
Cayman Almodovar
Jamie Spier
Nancy Basset
Lydia Woofenden
Lloyd Whitcomb
Dyer Rhoads

Directed by Dyer

Performed by Cayman Almodovar, Justin Boisvert, Tara Cram, Abigail Ranger, Lydia Woofenden, and Dyer Rhoads

Set design and painting by the company.

Special thanks to The Theater Project, Pheobe, Mali, Brian, and everyone at Spindleworks who gave their time, imagination, and encouragement to this project!

The Theater Project, September 2022